Thursday, July 2, 2009

eyeOS Project 2009

Mark Clanton wrote:

eyeOS Project 2009 

I have spent most of my day installing and uninstalling eyeOS ver  eyeOS is a WebOS that is hosted on a web server and gives users a Linux like desktop.  It is basically a Thin-Client that is run through a web browser.


I even set it up so that I could access it while I am away from home.  I am not sure about it usefulness quite yet, but am impressed with the speed of eyeOS.


With the eyeSync, you can automatically sync documents from your local computer to your eyeOS desktop.


I can already access documents via the web using either Google Docs or  I can also already Remote Desktop to any system in my home via Windows RDP.  So it appears that anything I can do with eyeOS, I can already do.


It is fun to play with at any rate.  You can get more information at:




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